08 October, 2017

Unity Tutorial 1: Roll a Ball

This week I'll quickly discuss Unity's first tutorial: Roll a Ball. It's a very very simple game to make and, thankfully, there's no discrepancies between the current version of Unity and this tutorial. The Tutorial is split up into 8 videos on YouTube. I'll be linking you to them. If you come up with any problems take a look at the comments below each video. They are very helpful and quite a time saver. Also, Unity includes a completed version of the game when you download the asset pack so if you get lost with the coding part or something doesn't work, take a look at theirs.

Here's the links to all the Roll a Ball videos. Have fun!

Unity 5 - Roll a Ball game - 1 of 8: Setting up the Game - Unity Official Tutorials:

Unity 5 - Roll a Ball game - 2 of 8: Moving the Player - Unity Official Tutorials:

Unity 5 - Roll a Ball game - 3 of 8: Moving the Camera - Unity Official Tutorials:

Unity 5 - Roll a Ball game - 4 of 8: Setting up the Play Area - Unity Official Tutorials:

Unity 5 - Roll a Ball game - 5 of 8: Creating Collectibles - Unity Official Tutorials:

Unity 5 - Roll a Ball game - 6 of 8: Counting Points - Unity Official Tutorials:

Unity 5 - Roll a Ball game - 7 of 8: Displaying Score and Text - Unity Official Tutorials:

Unity 5 - Roll a Ball game - 8 of 8: Building the Game - Unity Official Tutorials:

Next time I'll post the links to the Space Shooter tutorial. Have fun making your first game. 😉

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